Ground-breaking technology for low-cost, high-performance fibre packaging that replaces single-use plastics.
PulPac challenges the current plastic industry by offering a sustainable and cost competitive alternative to single use plastic. Plastics have historically had the economic upper hand over fibre, granted that it has been very cost-effective, whereas wet moulded fibres have been slow and expensive. PulPacs proprietary dry moulded fibre (DMF) technology enables the conversion of fibres into high performance, biodegradable packaging, and other single use items in a resource efficient way PulPac’s vision is to quickly make DMF into a global standard in packaging and, together with its partners, deploy hundreds of production lines to substitute millions of tons of single-use plastics into circular fibre solutions.
PulPac’s technology overcomes the limitation of cellulose packaging, as a biodegradable and recyclable material, while at the same time ensuring cost competitiveness and material performance and hence, making it a viable alternative to plastic and wet moulded fibre packaging.

PulPac, based near Gothenburg, Sweden, has developed a proprietary dry moulding fibre (DMF) process as an enabling technology for fibre-based (packaging) materials. The technology provides a commercially and economically viable alternative to fossil fuel packaging and existing moulding technologies by requiring significantly less water and energy, being fully compostable and compatible with the existing recycling infrastructure, and producing cost-competitive and high-performing materials. Having secured a unique patent portfolio and established the required supply chain infrastructure, the company commercializes its technology in a highly scalable licensing model.